As in any family, it’s vital that each person is cared for and supported. With this purpose in mind, we’ve set up the Deacon structure in a strategic way to do just that. These amazing men and women are trained and equipped to come alongside you and help you in difficult times. They can be considered your “first contact” when it comes to anything of high importance like:

  • Hospital stays

  • Death of family members

  • Help with temporary medical disabilities

  • Anything you need prayer for

  • Other practical needs that come up during health or family issues

For more information on who your Deacon is, please call the church office at (989) 631-1300.

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CCC Women’s Ministry is made up of a courageous group of women, disciples of Jesus, who believe that He is worth it all. “The Lord announces the word, and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng.” Psalm 68:11


  • Mom to Mom - A place for Moms of all ages and stages to connect and encourage - 3rd Tuesdays @ 6:30pm

  • Windows for Widows - First Mondays @ 1:30pm

  • Mary’s Part Life Group - Fall + Spring studies on Tuesday mornings from 9-11:30am

  • Girl Time Life Group - Fall + Spring studies on Saturday mornings from 9:30-11:15am

  • Other Women’s Life Groups: EXPLORE GROUPS

Not all recurring year round - watch calendar/email/facebook for schedule!

For More Info and to Stay Up-To-Date: Like our Facebook Page


Men’s Ministry happens through awesome events, groups, classes, and one-on-ones. This growing ministry has:

  • ManTime Events - Scheduled throughout the year

  • Men’s Connect Events - Quarterly

  • Men’s Life Groups - EXPLORE GROUPS

  • Men’s Life Lessons Classes

We look forward to seeing you at the next Men’s event!


Opportunities abound for seniors (aka “PrimeTimers”) at CCC. Events such as weekly small groups, breakfast, walking at the mall, and monthly outings are just a part of CCCs ministry to seniors. A monthly newsletter keeps our PrimeTimers in touch with one another, and gives information on upcoming events.

We also have small groups specifically for those in this stage of life.For more information regarding the Senior Adults Ministry, call us at the church office (989-631-1300). 



It is a foundational belief at CCC that strong marriages are the backbone of the family and strong families are the backbone of society. Thus, CCC has made a commitment to assist every marriage in becoming stronger. CCC is currently accomplishing this through multiple marriage classes on selected Wednesday nights, Small Groups, Marriage Mentoring (available upon request) and partnering with multiple churches in our community to offer an exceptional Annual Couple’s Conference.


This ministry, led by Gary and Sue Cooper, along with other trained marriage mentors, share their lives and friendship with other couples, offering marriage insights that they have learned over the years.  If you would like to know more about this ministry, please contact our church office (989-631-1300).


A variety of marriage and parenting classes are offered each year during our Wednesday night Life Lessons. Find more information on our Life Lessons Page.



Jesus showed us a model of a healthy Life Group when he called, taught, and sent out his group of twelve. Luke describes this kind of group in Act 2:46-47 and throughout years of church history the value of these types of groups hasn’t changed. We should find the same healthy groups at church. They should be independently functioning, leader-facilitated, small groups of people living and doing life together. This type of life should mirror the lives of the early believers in the Book of Acts. We call them Life Groups.

For a list of current small groups, or for assistance getting connected, CLICK HERE!