Creating Space to Grow in Christ, Life, and Friendships

Jesus showed us a model of a healthy Life Group when he called, taught, and sent out his group of twelve. Luke describes this kind of group in Act 2:46-47 and throughout years of church history the value of these types of groups hasn’t changed. We should find the same healthy groups at church. They should be independently functioning, leader-facilitated, small groups of people living and doing life together. This type of life should mirror the lives of the early believers in the Book of Acts. We call them Life Groups.
Group life can look and feel different in each individual group. There are many forms and types of Life Groups, but at CCC, we’ll mostly focus on 3 main Group types.
Home Groups – Groups that primarily meet in homes.
These groups focus more on growing in the Word and prayer as a group, and going after an encounter with God. While building friendships remains important, friendship building might be less emphasized in the schedule.
Interest Groups – Groups that primarily meet around a common hobby or activity.
These groups focus on building friendships while doing something active, while still talking about the Bible and prayer. Deep study and worship times may be less common in these groups.
Focused Groups – Groups that primarily meet about a certain topic or focus.
This could be a parenting group, a group for divorcees or widows, and so many more things. Encouragement and hope are important values in these groups.