Led By
Pastor Jake & Jennie Singer
Jake and Jennie Singer lead Celebration Young Adults and are eager to see this generation of young people love Jesus and navigate their current season of life with purpose. They believe following Jesus is not meant to be done alone but together. They are passionate about people, and would love to meet you and help you get connected in the young adult community of CCC. Use the learn more button for info to get in touch with Jake and Jennie.
Celebration Young Adults is a community of young adults seeking Jesus together. We gather together on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month and have opportunities to get into life groups and fun events where we can build lasting friendships. The focus and feel of a life group can vary, but all of our CYA groups are united with one purpose. Each group is an opportunity to build pivotal friendships: to stir one another up in love and good works and encourage each other in the faith. Together we desire to HONOR The King, take our NEXT STEPS, and INFLUENCE our world. Keep scrolling to learn more!

When Is Your Next Event?
Our main gathering meets at 6:30pm every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month for discipleship or worship. Our hope is to foster an environment that is TOGETHER, AUTHENTIC, INTELLECTUAL, & RESOLVED. Join our private Facebook group or follow us on Instagram to stay up to date on all of our upcoming announcements! Keep scrolling to learn more about our vision for young adults.
The 4 Gifts
Trust in God’s Word
Pivotal Relationships
Confidence in Personal Witness
Ambition for God-Given Callings
This excerpt from our vision statement for young adults explains the purpose behind The 4 Gifts.
We believe that the young adults of this generation are creative, ambitious, and eager to make an impact in the world and in the church. And it’s our desire to reach them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to build them up into lifelong disciples and disciple-makers.
Some of the greatest challenges this generation faces are:
Inundation with many voices competing for their attention and trust.
Navigating an overly-individualistic culture.
Sharing their faith in a culture that sees them as irrelevant or extreme.
Discovering and living out their callings.
Therefore, with the Lord’s help, we will commit our time, talents, and resources toward giving young adults these gifts:
Trust in God’s Word
Pivotal Relationships
Confidence in Personal Witness
Ambition for God-given callings